Part-time Faculty/Visiting LecturerS


Search the PT/VL Collective Bargaining Agreement

Part Time Faculty / Visiting Lecturer Contract, 2016 - 2022 

(Clickable Table of Contents, Searchable HTML)


This PT/VL Collective Bargaining Agreement (PDF) is the last signed contract negotiated by the union and covers contract years 2016-2022.

We now are working under a 2-year extension through August 2024.  


Current Part-time Pay Rates for 2022-2024 were negotiated as a part of the Contract Extension in 2021. 

Part-Time Pay Rates for 2016-2022 were negotiated as part of the Memorandum of Agreement in 2019.  


PT/VL Benefits overview

The Union has negotiated access to many wonderful benefits for our our Part Time and Visiting Lecturer Faculty.  Below is an overview of the benefits your union has fought for you to receive. Feel free to download this Google Doc version

Part Time Faculty and Visiting Lecturers have options available for Medical Insurance & Reimbursement, Retirement, Life Insurance, Tuition Remission, Travel & Disability, and Dental Insurance. 


Any Part-Time Employee shall be entitled to the equivalent of one (1) full work week off with pay* for illness or accident during each traditional semester (Spring and Fall semesters); and during a non-traditional semester (any other, including Summer sessions). The paid time off shall not exceed 1/15 of that semester’s hours. 

*For COVID-19 sick leave, Philadelphia's Covid-19 Leave Law states that Employees can receive up to 40 hours additional paid leave.  See more at 


The College will pay 50% of Personal Choice premium for adjunct faculty with at least one but less than 8 seniority units, and 75% for adjunct faculty with 8 or more seniority units.  Part-time faculty also have the option of joining the College's Keystone Health Plan East, which is a bit less expensive than Personal Choice; the College will pay the same dollar amounts towards Keystone plans as towards Personal Choice.  The College will also reimburse (up to that same dollar amount) part-time faculty who pay some or all of the premium for their single medical coverage under a non-CCP plan from another employer.  


For adjunct faculty with four or more units of seniority, the College will match employee contributions to a retirement plan up to 5% of earnings.  


For part-time faculty with 12 or more seniority units, the College will pay half the premium on a group life insurance $16,000 policy.  


Adjunct faculty can take one CCP course per semester. VLs and part-time faculty in Pool VII and above get tuition remission for family members and can take up to two CCP courses per semester.  


Short-term disability benefits are available for Adjuncts who cannot work due to illness.  Adjuncts can apply to be compensated for lost pay due to illness.  

Also, Adjuncts can be reimbursed for expenses incurred when traveling to conferences.   The College provides a  $36,000 total set-aside for the PT/VL Disability & Travel Fund, annually.   Please see the PT/VL TRAVEL AND SHORT-TERM DISABILITY FUND section below for details.   


Adjuncts can apply for low cost dental insurance through the College.  While the College does not contribute to the premiums, the insurance is affordable.  



Adjunct faculty earn one seniority unit for each semester they teach, with a maximum of two seniority units per year.  Adjunct faculty in higher seniority pools, if qualified and available, must be assigned to available courses before adjunct faculty in lower pools are given courses.  The table below shows how the number of seniority units corresponds to Pool number.  

Visiting Lecturers (one-semester full-time appointments) are appointed in seniority order, as needed.  There is a separate VL seniority list.  Employees who perform hourly or credit-free work must complete 69 clock hours in a semester in order to earn a seniority unit.  

Adjuncts stay on the seniority list unless they do not work for the College for 30 continuous months.  Adjuncts with more than 8 seniority units who have worked at the College within the past 30 months will not be removed from the seniority list without just cause.  

Need to know more about how the seniority system works? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions about Adjunct/VL Seniority page. 


PDF Documents: 

Part-Time Seniority List November 2024 (Includes Summer 2024)

Visiting Lecturer Seniority List November 2024 (Includes Summer 2024)

Lab Aide Seniority List November 2024 (Includes Summer 2024)


All Adjunct and Visiting Lecturer faculty must turn an Availability Notice form to their Department Heads or other supervisors for each semester they wish to work. 

The deadlines for the Availability forms are:

Be sure to fill out your forms completely and without ambiguity. Some faculty include their preferred times, days, locations, and/or courses in addition to their overall availability, but it is essential that you include your overall availability, as added preferences are used at the discretion of your Department Head (DH). You will not be assigned work outside of the days/times/locations you list. Clear communication helps prevent misunderstanding: when in doubt, ask your DH. Forms turned in after the deadline may result in no work assignments for the semester.

Submit your availability ONLINE using this form (MyCCP credentials required) 

Please note that the Availability form is only available within 30 days of each deadline


Below are links to the forms and guidelines for travel fund reimbursement as well as the short-term disability fund.  To view the College's Travel Policy please click here.

Please note:

Please direct any questions to Nwenna Gates, PT/VL Co-chair, or the Federation Office (

PDF Documents: 

PT/VL Travel Fund Guidelines and Forms 

(Open in Adobe Acrobat to fill/save/email)

PT/VL Disability Benefits Guidelines

PT/VL Short-Term Disability Benefits (STD) Application

(Open in Adobe Acrobat to fill/save/email)

PT/VL Second Week of Sick Leave Pay Application 

(Open in Adobe Acrobat to fill/save/email)


Getting Started with Unemployment

United Academics of Philadelphia (UAP) offers workshops for Part-Time faculty at CCP seeking Unemployment compensation.  They have created this extremely useful guide to get Adjuncts started when applying for unemployment in Pennsylvania.  

tuap Unemployment Infographic (4).pdf

Steps to Applying for Unemployment is a helpful guide for navigating the Unemployment Process as a CCP Part-Time Faculty.

TAUP (Temple University's Faculty Union) created this useful 2021 Pennsylvania Unemployment Guide that offers specific guidance on filling out your Unemployment Claim as a CCP adjunct to receive compensation during the Summer semester.

Adjunct Newsletter